Friday 6 November 2020

Whale Shark Writing

This week we did some witing. Here is mine, I tried to use lots of descriptive writing and make it interesting. What did you like about my story? Blog you later!

I am diving with Mathematical Wilb when we see a whale slowly swimming towards us. We are frightened so we quickly swim away from him. He chases after us so we try and swim as fast as a black marlin but the colossal whale catches up to us and swallows us whole.

We both fainted but after a few hours I woke up. I say to Mathematical Wilb “Wake up!” Mathematical Wilb wakes up and screams in my face. “Where are we!” he asks. “I think we’re in the mouth of the whale,” I say. “How are we going to survive? We only have a couple more hours left in our oxygen tanks.” Says Mathematical Wilb. “We’re going to have to find a way out.” I said. First we try and push the mouth open but the whale is too strong. But luckily we find an object that can push the whale apart. We heave and strain and push the whales lips open. We escape with only 10 seconds left in our tank but Mathematical Wilb has 9. We swim out as fast as we can and I make it out with 1 second left but sadly Mathematical Wilb dies.

The next day I look at the TV and every channel has our story on it. The next day The Queen calls me from England and tells me to come over next week to be knighted. I was sad about my best friend Mathematical Wilb but happy I had been knighted. I went on to have a happy life but I was always sad about my friend. THE END


  1. Kia Ora William, my name is Helen and I'm from Room 23 at Owairaka District School. I really like your blog post about your writing about the whale shark. I also like the way that you put paragraphs into your writing. I remember doing a writing like this but I haven't finished yet. Next time you could add a photo related to your writing. Did you enjoy writing this?

    Thank you for sharing your learning. You can go to my blog by clicking here.
    blog you later,

    1. Hi Helen, thanks for commenting, Next time I will try and add an image. I did enjoy making this story and my favourite part was probably the ending. I'll check out your blog soon.
      Blog you later!
