Thursday, 30 April 2020

Anzac Biscuits/Chocolate Chip

Here is an Anzac biscuit recipe that I have unscrambled. I haven't actually made Anzac biscuits yet but I have made chocolate chip biscuits. Here is the recipe.

What biscuits have you been making? Blog you later :)


  1. Awesome William, were the chocolate chip cookies delicious? I have been doing so much baking while I have been stuck in my bubble. Last week I made ANZAC cookies and afghan cookies. I do love baking but I can't wait till I am out of this bubble so I can share.

  2. Hi William , We baked some ANZAC cookies in our Bubble. I am trying some new dishes too. Your above recipe is easy to follow I will try to bake some chocolate chip cookies.

  3. I have made ANZAC biscuts, choc-chip cookies and peanut brownies. Luckily I have 3 children to share them with!

  4. Nice work unscrambling the ANZAC biscuit recipe William, has it made you want to try making them next? I love how you have added your own recipe to make your blog post even more interesting! bye : )

  5. Hi William
    Yay for your recipe for Anzac biscuits that have chocolate chips in them! I heard that Room 6 are having a bake-off! Maybe you could suggest Room 7 have an Anzac bikkie bake-off?!
