In Cybersmart today we created our own Cybersmart gifs using Tree Tweets. It is a great website, you just have to insert your slides onto it and then create your gif! Here is mine, have you used this website before? Blog you later!
Wednesday, 8 December 2021
Tuesday, 23 November 2021
Sunday BBQ
On Sunday my family and a few others went for a BBQ at my parents friends house. When we got there we had some snacks and then the kids went to the park. We played a few games and then went back. My brother lost his hat so I pointed to one and asked him if it was his, he said it wasnt. My parents said to walk back and look for the hat and the one that he said wasnt his was his, it was so annoying! We were just running around and going on the trampoline and then had dinner and cake. It was pretty good. Here is a picture I got of the adults.
Monday, 15 November 2021
Last Days of School Lockdown
Kia ora bloggers, I am going to talk about yesterday when Milo, Ted, Wilbur, Jarvis and I went out together. First of all we met up at the dairy, bought some lollies and food and then went to anderson park and played there for like 45 minutes. For some reason Milo kept doing these challenges for lollies. Anyway, after that we scootered back to Wilburs house. We went round the side and then went in his pool for about an hour. It was probablly the best day of lockdown I have had, and then after that I went to the park and went for a walk with my 2nd cousins. What was your favourite day of lockdown? Blog you later!
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
How I Got Stung by a Bee
Yesterday my brother, mum and I went out to get some Pita Pit. After we waited for ages for it to be ready we walked down to a park and as soon as I sat down my middle toe started hurting. It hurt a lot and when I looked at my middle toe, I saw a big bee sitting on it. I quickly shoved it off but it was too late. How unlucky is that? I sat down right next to a bee! Anyway, this is my third time being stung but it is just very annoying all the time. How many times have you been stung? Blog you later!
Friday, 29 October 2021
Fake News (PS6)
I created some fake news about a PS6, I had to make a fake ad and I chose to do something that doesn't exsist yet. What would you make a fake ad about? Blog you later!
Thursday, 28 October 2021
Why You Should Buy a Tottenham Shirt
Kia ora Bloggers, this is just a blog post on why I think a Tottenham shirt is cool and why you should buy one. (You don't have too) Do you disagree with my opinion? Blog you later!
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
My Favourite Things
Kia ora, these are some of my favourite items. 1. Controller/Playstation, I play fortnite with my friends on it and it is super fun. 2. Tottenham is my favourite football team and I have supported them and watched most of their games since 2018. 3. I got my a couple weeks ago and it is important incase I need to call someone for something but also I just watch tiktok, youtube and text my friends. 4. Soccer is my favourite sport, I am very good at it and I started playing for Mt Albert Ponsonby in 2017. What are your favourite things? Blog you later!
Thursday, 21 October 2021
My Review On The Day I was Erased by Lisa Thompson
I just did a review on a book I read a month ago. Has anyone else read a book by her? Blog you later!
Lisa Thompson the Day I was Erased
This story is about a naughty boy who everyone forgets who he is and he tries to get back so
everyone can know him again. He also learns during it that he wasnt a very good friend and
he tries to be a better person when he gets back. My favourite thing about this book is how he
tries to get back and the journey is fun. I Also like just before everyone forgets him and 2 famous
TV show people are at their school hall playing cool games. Overall I would give this book a 9/10
Quality Blog Comment Word Art
Monday, 18 October 2021
My Report on Tottenham vs Newcastle
Today I chose to do a review on the Tottenham vs Newcastle game because there were a lot of goals and some very excited and worrying moments. Anyway, what would you rate my review out of 10, tell me what I could do better next time? Blog you later!
Today Tottenham versus Newcastle.Newcastle have recently been given a lot of money but they cant buy
any players until the transfer window opens.
The game started off pretty normal until Newcastle did some amazing passing around the Tottenham
players and scored in the 2nd minute. Luckily Tottenham came back with an amazing ball up to Reguilon
who had a great touch. Squared it into the middle and Ndombele scored a goal into the top right corner,
it was an amazing goal. The score was 1-1. Next Hojberg did a good chip over the Newcastle players
with Harry Kane scooping over the goalkeeper. The referee called offside but once they checked it they
saw that it wasn't offside and that it was a goal. Later on, Ndombele did some great footwork and gave
the ball back to Lucas Moura, who played a through ball down to Kane who squared it to Son, who
smashed the ball into the open goal as it was 3-1 to spurs. Someone collapsed in the stands but luckily
Reguilon spotted him and told the referee who got the paramedics, luckily he was ok though but the
game was stopped for 20 min. In the 83rd minute Reguilon was in front of everyone from a pass from
Son, when a Jonjo Shelvey came and slid in and took Reguilon out and got a red card. In the 89th
minute it looked like that was going to be the game but when Newcastle crossed the ball in, Eric Dier
accidentally headed the ball into his own goal.
It was a very exciting game and luckily Tottenham still won 3-2 and got 3 points.
Friday, 24 September 2021
My Dinner Party
For a couple of days I have been creating my favourite meal and using maths to add up how much the total was for each kind of food. I also used Google Drawings to create my table for the slide. What's your favourite meal? Blog you later!
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
My Dream House!
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Monday Poem Volcano Writing
Today I did the final volcano slides which were making two poems, the one we had to do was a Haiku and the other one we got to choose and I chose an Acrostic poem. It didn't take too long but it made it better. What is your favourite type of poem? Blog you later!
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Wednesday Volcano Writing
On Wednesday we got to do my favourite volcano slides we've probably done. We got to go on google maps and choose 10 different volcanoes that are near us. We also got to write what essential items we would take if we had to evacuate, plus we also got to choose one non-essential item and why we chose that. What special item would you take if you had to evacuate? Blog you later!
Monday Volcano Writing
On Monday we had some slides to comlee where we wrote definitons and pictures of all of these volcano words. We also got to write some descriptive words about the images we saw. What is your favourite volcano word? Blog you later!
Friday, 3 September 2021
Friday Volcano Writing
Today we had to plan out a story on one of the Auckland volcanoes and then write the story, kind of similar to the newspaper volcano slides we did. The story wa hard to get an idea of but once I did it was super fun to write. I'm going to ask another random question, do you have a favourite sport and if you do what is it? Blog you later!
Wednesday Volcano Writing
Sorry I didn't post this on Wednesday but I am posting it now. This was a really fun volcano learning mainly because of the quiz, the mats was pretty fun too. Some of the maths was a bit hard so I used a cauculaor for a couple of questions but some of them were kind of easy. I don't knwo what question to ask so I am just going to ask a random question, what's your favourite learning subject! Blog you later!
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
Mt Albert Volcanoe Newspaper!!! π°π
Today I have been learning to make up a newsaper and doing the order of the writing in the right place, like the most important in the first paragraph and the least important in the last paragraph. We had to make up a story about on of the Auckland Volcanoes and I think mine was a pretty fun idea. What is your local volcano? Blog you later!
Friday, 27 August 2021
Do All Volcanoes Look the Same? π Part 3
Today I did my 3rd and final blog post about volcanoes, it was really fun since we got to do a lot of writing and drawing, I watched a couple of videos to see what volcanoes erupting looked like before I drew it. It was challenging trying to draw a volcano but I guess it came out alright. Have you been doing learning about volcanoes? If not what have you been doing it lockdown? Blog you later!
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Do All Volcanoes Look the Same ? π Part 2
We have been sent some more slides about volcanoes today and I filled them in. They were really fun to make, especially the last one after our reasearch about what our favourite type of volcano is. Out of the ones that I wrote about today which one is your favourite? Blog you later!
Monday, 23 August 2021
Do All Volcanoes Look the Same?π
Today I had a look at the Class Blog and I saw this activity with slides to fill in. The first slide was about saying what a volcano is and the next slide was making a diagram of a volcano, that was probably the most fun slide. Have you guys ever been on a Dormant Volcano? Blog you later!
Monday, 16 August 2021
Music with Mr. Lakatane!!! ππ₯
We are currently doing music in R15 every week. The first lesson we were doing different beats with him on the African Drums. Like We Will Rock You and hitting the drums 8 times and then halfing it every time and just different fun beats. These last 2 weeks we have been going to different stations and doing guiar, ukulele, african drums and marimba. We had to learn a few chords and try them out on our instruments. Have you been doing music? Blog you later!
Monday, 2 August 2021
My Crazy 100 Word Story π―
Last week our class made a hundred word story. It wasreally fun to make, we had to delete quite a lot becasue 100 words is very short. Here is my story, hope you enjoy it. Blog you later!
Henry is busy playing video games when he hears his grandma call “Dinner love!”. He replies by saying “Be quiet grandma, I’m trying to finish this game!!!”. “Come after that.” He walks to dinner when Grandma says “Cabbage stew, again!” “I hate cabbage stew!” says the boy rudely. His grandma is filled with anger, she transforms into a zombie, the boy is petrified and screams in terror as he runs away. The grandma hops in the car viciously. She drives like a racecar and runs him over. “Don’t you dare ever critizize my Cabbage soup, '' The grandma says with anger.
Monday, 26 July 2021
The Holidays!!! (100th Post)
I went on holiday and did a 14K bike rode! It was pretty fun, during it there was this long tunnel we rode through, it was extremely long and very dark. There were a lot of cows on a lot of farms, the ride was mostly flat but some parts were a bit uphill. At the end we got Icecream, it was very yummy. When we got back one of the things we did was a Censory Maze we put on these crazy glasses and there were all these cool rooms and doors and crazy colors. It was really fun, there was only one room that was really a maze. It was full of mirrors and my brither even banged his head on one! I also saw Space Jam, went on an Ice Slide and lots of cool stuff. Anyway, the holidays were amazing, what were your holidays like? Blog you later!
Friday, 9 July 2021
Sunrise Khan Academy (Last Blog Post of the Term!)
I have improved on Khan Academy a lot ever since my blog post about it before. We have been doing a lot of it and Mr G challenged us to make a sunrise with the background changing too! Watch the video I recorded to find out. Blog you later!
Wednesday, 7 July 2021
In the Beginning! π³πΏ
In class today we were retelling what it was like before they lifted up their parents. We had to add description and describe to make your stories a lot more interesting. I did something similar to this last year when we retold the story with voice records. Have you ever seen this story? If you have which god would you like to be? Blog you later!
I am stuck down here forever, it is okay, I would love to get out into the world but I don’t really want to hurt my parents. The only thing I can see is my tens of brothers, at least I have them. It is extremely dark and hot with not even a single bit of air blowing in here at all. It is very stuffy and all I’ve wanted is just some air to be blown in here. I would do basically anything for someone to tip a bucket of cold frosty water. There is no light whatsoever, all I can see is dark gloomy black all around me. It is so boring though, all we do is lie down pointlessly and dully doing nothing. I am trying to sit down but all my brothers are all arguing about where they sit because it is so squishy and uncomfortable in here. Once we finally all settle down I can’t even sleep because there are 71 other brothers in here and we can barely even fit in here. The next day I was just minding my own buisness as usual when I heard some of our brothers (Tu, Tane-Mahuta and Tangaroa) angrily discussing horrible things about whether we should separate our parents. I’m thinking that we can’t hurt our parents, it will ruin their lives. I can see them all discussing, even if they should KILL our parents! I can hear our peaceful and innocent parents around us never wanting to leave eachother and just be together forever. They will be separated forever. The brothers don’t care and are being pretty selfish. “Don’t worry about it, it’s not terrible living down here you know” I say. Tawhiri-Matea and Rongo also agree with me. Tawhiri-Matea says “Yeah, we don’t want to hurt our parents though.” Tane-Mahuta sees both points of the argument and says “I think there is a way we can separate our parents for us but not hurt them.” I think it is an okay idea and so does Rongo so we give it a go… I feel like if we do this our parents will be crying fr the rest of their lives.
Monday, 5 July 2021
Term 2 Holidaysssss!
I am realy excited for the holidays. I am going to a football camp for some days at Auckland City, I have done it before and it is really fun. We have done 2 Otago Maths Tests for smart Year 7 and 8s so it was pretty difficult. I got 2/5 on the first one this term and 3/5! My best so far. We also had the soccer tournament this term, we got entered in the A grade but didn't do well. But at least I scored our 1 goal! It was really fun and nervracking. This term has definitely been a good one. I am loooking forward to the holidays and playing soccer with Teddy at Kowhai and video games with all my friends. Blog you later!
y been a good one.
Thursday, 1 July 2021
My Kite Making with R20!
In R20 Ted and I made kites with Alofi and Sione, we drew space with lots of planets and stars and even some korus on the side. We also had to connect the sticks with some string and then we folded the paper we drew on onto the kite. We gave a go and throwing the kite in the air and it fell after a bit but it wasn't and instant fall at least. It was really fun making the kites with them! I haven't got any pictures of us but I have got some of some other people, here they are. Blog you later!
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Piskel Aspect Ratio!
Bonjour Bloggers! In class over the last couple of days we have been doing aspect ratios on Piskel. Here are the aspect ratios we were using: 16:9 14:9 4:3 Here are my animations, just so you know they are a gaming setup changing colours and a smiley/sad face. Make sure to comment what you thougt about this? Have you ever made a piskel? Blog you later!
Monday, 21 June 2021
How we Created the Script "The Basketball Bullys"
In class first Milo and I wrote a story, not a script but a story first. Milo and I were workeing on the script, we had to write different shots Eg. Two Shot, Mid Shot. Also we had to write where they are Eg. INT. Hall at Owairaka. We also wrote all the lines and who says what, then Caleb, Ted, Kaynin and I made a slide with all the different types of shots, the libk to the slide is here . While Milo was working on the storyboard of the story, with what happened in the story in order. We also created a Shot List about what order we do the shots in, we don't put the shots in order of the script but in order of the locations. Here is 3 of the actors doing the play Milo: Main Bully, Kaynin: Other Bully, William: Nerd.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
School Play (R25 Scene)
Monday, 31 May 2021
Wellington Phoenix Game at Eden Park
On Sunday I went went with my cousins and 2nd cousins. I was at Eden Park watch it I just had to walk across the road to get there since I live right next to it. In the first 5 minutes Wellington Pheonix had a penalty but, the referee had changed his mind and it wasn't a penalty! Wellington Pheionex scored at 24 minutes. It was a good goal, I think it was a corner and he kicked it in the top of the goal. Perth's first goal they ran up the field and kicked it into the bottom corner. Their second goal was really good, they smashed it from outside the box into the top corner! Wellington Pheonix's final goal was a shot on their right foot into the right corner. It was tied up then a penalty in the last minutes for Wellingtion Pheonix, they kicked it and it had been saved, no! The chance to win the game had not been taken. It was still a really fun time though. π Here is a link to the highlights of the game. Blog you later!
Monday, 24 May 2021
Friday, 21 May 2021
Today in class Mrs Fletcher read us a book about kindness. We wrote down the 3 most important words from that book. My 3 were Help, Nice and Share. In the book there were a lot of different situations were you can be kind in. The Illustrator was Axel Scheffler, Blog you later!
Thursday, 20 May 2021
Blog Introduction!
Today in Cybersmart we made a Blog Introduction. We made it because if there is someone new in the class we can show them a quick 2 minute video to get them started up on their blog. Here is the video down below. Blog you later!
Monday, 17 May 2021
Khan Academy Coding!π₯️
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
Pick-a-Path Info
In Cybersmart today we made a quick 15 minute Pick-a-Path. Itis about what to share and what not to share. Here is the slide, what do you think about our Pick-a-Path? What could we do better next time? Blog you later!
Monday, 10 May 2021
Ripper Rugby
Last week we did Ripper Rugby, I scored a try for my team and nearly two! Next time I might go for more trys because it was really fun and easier then I expected. But it is quite hard to pull off the other teams tags. Blog you later!

Friday, 7 May 2021
History WordArt!
In Cybersmart this week we made a word art on what we had been on this week. Here are some of the websites I had been on. Some of the stuff was at school and some stuff was at home. What are your favourite websites? Blog you later!
Friday, 9 April 2021
Standard Football Kindness⚽
Today in class we all made a three slide StoryBoard to do with our school values. Mine is kids playing football, helping eachother and being kind. Blog you later!
Cybersmart Lesson! Passwords π
Yesterday in Cybersmart we learnt about how to make our passwords safe and secure. We had a dice roller and whatever numbers we got there was a word that we could match with it. We got three words for our passwords and then put some capitals, numbers and different puncuation. I have changed my password after that lesson to something new because that password is quite old incase anyone knows it! It was a very fun lesson. Blog you later!
Monday, 29 March 2021
Tottenham Hotspur F.C
Today I am going to tell you about the history if Tottenham Hotspur (Spurs which is what I am going to be calling them from now on).
Spurs were formed on 5 September 1882 in London United Kingdom.
There first proper trophy they won was in 1901, they won the FA Cup.
Spurs won the Premier League 1950/51 and 1960/61. Spurs won the FA Cup and the Premier League in the 1960/61 season.
Harry Kane Spurs's best striker joined in 2009 and is currently still playing for them at 27 years old. He is also Spurs top current goalscorer. Here are some pictures of Spurs's current players.
Friday, 26 March 2021
Cricket Tournament!πππ
The start of the cricket tournament did not go well... Ms Mudgeway wasn't here so we couldn't get the unifroms so we just had to go mufty. Jarvis and I were captains and for the first game I won the toss and chose to bowl first. My first over bowling there was 1 run from it and a wicket, Remy took the catch. When I was batting with George I remember doing a good shot on the offside. At the end of the first game we lost. I don't really remember the 2nd game but we lost and the third game I didn't play and we lost. For the final game it was us against Wesley Primary. I loss the toss and Wesley chose to bat, which was good for us as we were going to have a bowl. When I bowled my fourth and final over that game I bowled him! Hitting off stump and I had my second wicket of the game. In the 2nd innings Jarvis and I came out to bat, we lost no wickets in our partnership except for a dumb run-outπ. But apart from the that we put on a fantastic partnership. We did really well and did good big hits, the umpire also said that I did the best shot he had seen all day! In the end it was a tied game! We each got 39 runs. But it was a really fun day in the endπ Here is a funny picture of my head on Lockie Ferguson (Bowler for the Black Caps) :)
Friday, 19 March 2021
Football Play
This is a football play I wrote for my friends in Rm 25 to do. This is a script of the play, if you want you could write a short little play in the comments? Anyway, here it is. Blog you later!
Son=Ted Kane=William Dele=Milo
Kane: This is a nice walk isn’t it Sonny?
Son: Yes it isn't it, what about you Dele?
Dele: Yes I think it is good
Kane: What is this creepy house in front of us? Should we go in?
Son: I don’t know, I think we should have a look.
Dele: So let's do It.
Kane: HELLO!
Mathematician: What are you doing in my house!!??
Kane and Son: We are just having a walk and we saw your house.
Mathematician: I am just working on some maths.
Son: Do you know calculus?
Dele: Yes it would help us with the angles to score goals!
Mathematician: Yes, I like calculus a lot.
Kane: Do you want to come to Spurs training ground and help us with some angles?
Mathematician: It would be my pleasure.
Mathematician: You need to get the ball to spin on a 60.0 degree angle.
Son: How do I do that?
Mathematician: This might take a while.
3 Days Later when there is a game
Mathematician: OK, so remember all the tricks and tips to do with maths I told you, use them and win the game against Arsenal.
Kane, Son and Dele: OK!
Commentator: Kane crosses the ball from a corner with an amazing angle and Son jumps at a perfect time and heads it into the net!
Kane: Nice one Sonny
Son: Lesh go!
Commentator: Son does an amazing long ball and Dele Alli strikes at the perfect time for a volley!
Son: What a goal!
Dele: Come on!
Commentator: 1 minute left of the game and Dele Alli flicks it into the middle for a volley for Kane!
Kane: 3-0!
Son, Dele and Kane: We won!
Mathematician: Great job, you did all the math skills I told you! Let’s go. I'm going to teach you some trigonometry for football and headers.
Demetrius: THE END
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
My Cool Grasshopper!
This is my post of my shrinked self meeting a cool coloured grasshopper! It has cool orange and black antennae and a yellow, blue and red body. What is your favourite insect? Blog you later!
Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Fairy Tale Rm 25 Ponder!πππ
Today I saw this interesting blog post by Rm 25 and these are my answers to which fairy tale is based on each chapter. Comment down below what you think WAIMOE was because i didnt get it. π’ Blog you later!
1. Jack and the Morepork-Jack and the Beanstalk
2. Recycling Ella-Cinderella
3. Harry and Gemma-Hansel and Gretel
4. Waimoe-?
5. Cloudbird-Rapunzel
6. Lucy, the pea and the Shaggy Dog Tree- The Princess and the Pea
7. The Seven at the Bottom of the Street-Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Monday, 15 February 2021
First POST OF 2021 πππ
We are back into lockdown π. But today I have done one of the R25 InyBackyard Posts! It is a drawing of a playground with a sky surfer, slides and swings. (I just noticed that they all start with "S") What do YOU think of MY drawing? Comment down below and Blog you later!